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Our Mission

The mission of The Rawdah Youth Organization is to empower Somali youth by providing them with the tools and resources necessary for socioeconomic development, environmental protection, and the promotion of Somali arts, traditions, and cultures. We aim to foster personal and collective growth through comprehensive programs that address education, health, vocational training, and community engagement.

Lorem Ipsum

We promote the holistic development of the youth in the Somali community, providing a safe and stimulating environment for education, skill development, active participation in
preserving Somali arts and traditions, and creating sustainable opportunities for a prosperous future. We are committed to working closely with disadvantaged communities to ensure
equality of access and to collaborate with local and international stakeholders to promote cultural diversity and cooperation for the well-being of all.

Lorem Ipsum

The Rawdah Youth Organization is a place and expression of individuals from civil society and the Somali diaspora engaged in volunteering, solidarity and international cooperation; builds networks, relationships and opportunities; welcomes and promotes the cultural challenge for change and to influence policies aimed at building a society respectful of human rights, fair and inclusive, at a global and local level.

The mission of Rawdah Youth Organization is as follows:

Youth Empowerment:

Provide young people with the skills and resources necessary to become agents of change in their communities.

Gender Equality

Contribute to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.


Contribute to the promotion of inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Promotion of Arts and Cultures:

Preserve and promote Somalia's artistic and cultural traditions, encouraging creative expression and cultural pride. promote the protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage, promote eco-sustainable tourism.

Socio-economic Development

Incentivizing lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. - promote initiatives that improve economic and social conditions through training, entrepreneurship and employment programs.

Bless you

Ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of all at all ages.

Climate Change and Environmental Protection

Encourage the adoption of urgent measures to combat climate change and its impacts. - raise awareness and promote sustainable practices for environmental protection.

Nutrition and sustainable agriculture

End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.


Reduce inequalities within and between countries.

Our Vision

Our vision is to promote inclusive socioeconomic development, protect the environment, and cherish Somalia’s rich artistic and cultural heritage. A concrete and long-term commitment to development projects in the socio-health, agricultural-food, educational and training sectors, protection of children and adolescents, defense of human rights and gender equality, and institutional strengthening. At the same time, Rawdah Youth Organization promotes projects, awareness, information and global education campaigns in Somalia and carries out intense institutional lobbying work to promote social justice for all men and women on the planet.
